Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Withered Arm Essay Example
The Withered Arm Essay Two Europeans, Kayerts and Carlier work on an outpost in Africa. They work for a Belgian ivory trading company. The outpost is very isolated, and the men must have their supplies/food delivered by boat. At the station work ten black natives and Makola. He is the storekeeper and lives at the station with his wife. At first Kayerts and Carlier are working very hard. They want to get very rich, but after a while they become lazy. One day, Makola sells the ten African workers as slaves for a lot of ivory. Kayerts and Carlier dont do anything about this deal. /dont try and stop this trade. They accept the fact, that people were traded for ivory. In this situation, you can see that Makola is the real chief/boss of the station. Kayerts and Carlier are too irresponsible/inexperienced, so Makola now runs the outpost. When the natives, living around them, hear of people being traded as slaves, they become scared. They stop supplying the station with food and supplies. Kayerts and Carlier soon suffer from hunger, as the boat which supplies them doesnt come for months. We will write a custom essay sample on The Withered Arm specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Withered Arm specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Withered Arm specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They/The men become ill and frustrated. At the end of the story they have an argument, that ends tragically. Kayerts accidently kills Carlier because of some sugar he wants to have in his tea. On the next day, before the boat arrives, Kayerts kills himself/commits suicide. 2. This book is both a psychological thriller and a political statement. Written in 1896, Joseph Conrad gives an account of two white traders, Carlier and Kayerts, who are out- posted in Africa at a trading station. Although the Europeans do trade goods, their underlying purpose is to export civilization, from Europe to Africa. Carlier and Kayerts are living in colonial times. England and other European countries have control over Africa. The native people are seen as in need of being civilized. 3. As the steamer that drops them off fades into the distance, Carlier and Kayerts already begin to feel uneasy. Out in the jungle with no other Europeans to support their views about the world, they sense that they are out of their element, and not up to the task they have been assigned. Their predecessor lies.. 4. Summary 5. Kayerts and Carlier are put in charge of a remote and . unpromising trading station on a river. Its previous agent 7. died of fever and his grave, marked by a cross, forms part 8. of the outpost. The director of the trading company, who 9. predicts their failure, leaves them with enough provisions 10. to last for the six months until his envisaged return. Makola, 11. ââ¬Ëa civilized niggerââ¬â¢ who lives with his family on the outpost, 12. is responsible for the acquisition and storage o f ivory and is 13. in charge of the ten black men working (not very effectively) 14. at the post. The other group of natives, ââ¬ËFatherââ¬â¢ Gobilaââ¬â¢s 15. people, are friendly and provide the station with local 16. supplies. When a group of fierce-looking black strangers 17. appears in the compound, Makola behaves very strangely 18. and makes clandestine arrangements to sell the ten station 19. men to the strangers in return for six beautiful tusks that 20. are deposited in the yard. It gradually dawns on Kayerts 21. and Carlier that they have become involved in a terrible 22. crime, but after discarding their initial pangs of guilt are 23. omforted by the thought of lucrative commissions on the 24. ivory. The steamer is late, their provisions are running low 25. and the physical and mental state of the two white men 26. deteriorates rapidly. Demoralized by a quarrel over the last 27. lumps of sugar, they begin to fight, and Kayerts shoots the 28. unarmed Carlier in what he believes to be self-defence. 29. When the steamer finally arrives, the director discovers 30. Kayertsââ¬â¢s body hanging from the cross with his tongue 31. disrespectfully stuck out at him. Withered arm In a novel structured around contrasts, the main opposition is between Swithin St Cleeve and Lady Viviette Constantine, who are presented as binary figures in a series of ways: aristocratic and lower class, youthful and mature, single and married, fair and dark, religious and agnosticâ⬠¦she [Lady Viviette Constantine] is also deeply conventional, absurdly wishing to conceal their marriage until Swithin has achieved social status through his scientific work, which gives rise to uncontrolled ironies and tragic-comic misunderstandings (Harvey 108). | â⬠| Hardyââ¬â¢s stories take into onsideration the events of life and their effects. Fate plays a significant role as the thematic basis for many of his novels. Characters are constantly encountering crossroads, which are symbolic of a point of opportunity and transition. Far From the Madding Crowd tells a tale of liv es that are constructed by chance. ââ¬Å"Had Bathsheba not sent the valentine, had Fanny not missed her wedding, for example, the story would have taken an entirely different path. â⬠[13] Once things have been put into motion, they will play out. Hardys characters are in the grips of an overwhelming fate. [edit] Poetry Thomas Hardy was born and grew up near Dorchester in the county town of Dorset. Dorset was the inspiration of most of his work although he did include areas such as Devon, Somerset, Cornwall, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire. Various stories written by Thomas Hardy have been based, borrowed and enhanced from experiences told to many generations of the Hardy family. The areas the stories are set around are a fictional country called Wessex, based on the area he lived up in. By setting the stories in an area well known to Hardy he is able to go into detail, but also make them sound as realistic as possible. Hardy even uses the regional dialect to bring his stories to life and make the reader think they are there. By locating the stories in the countryside, Hardy gives the stories a slower, more relaxed way of life, with different values to those illustrating inner city life. The countryside generally consists of a closer network of people compared to the city life, because of the smaller more involved community, people may care more of what other individuals think of them which generates the different values, principles and morals. From the story, The Withered Arm, I have chosen to investigate the character, Rhoda Brook. In the story, Rhoda plays an interesting character, motivated by her initial jealously towards other people. Rhodas character is one that develops throughout the story. Hardy lets his readers imagine what Rhoda looks like as he gives little description of her physical appearance. He does state that she is tall from the quote, aâ⠬à ¦and if shes tall as tall as I taken from page 2. He also reveals she has dark eyes, a quote from page 5 follows Her eyes, then, are not dark like mine? This can be perceived in two slightly different ways. The obvious first is that of a physical feature. The second less apparent characteristic is of a devious, manipulative and possibly scheming aspect, perhaps based on her own personality. It is clear that Rhoda does not have the choice to work or not, and, later it becomes apparent that she lives on her own with her son, who is around the age of twelve. Rhoda is determined to ensure that her son admires her. His personal view of his mother is important to her; she may feel threatened by Farmer Lodges new wife and this maybe the reason why she sent her son out to see what she looks like. This inflicts a shallow, insecure view of herself, in that she believes physical characteristics are more significant than personality. As a mother it is important to Rhoda to protect her son from any idol gossip he may hear about her from the village where they live. This is possibly why they moved away. However, at the beginning of the story when the milking maids were talking about Rhoda and Framer Lodge she did not seem too worried about what other people thought of her. She wishes to keep her son away from anything that may encourage him to resent her. Rhodas relationship towards the male characters in the story is barely existent. Rhoda avoids conversation with most males. This may have something to do with past experiences; perhaps she had been hurt from previous relationships and now avoids any contact with the opposite sex. She possesses a great amount of hatred towards Farmer Lodge this may be, for not accepting or acknowledging her sibling on the account of their failed relationship. The only positive relationship Rhoda has with a male character in the story is her son, Jamie. The first impressions of Rhoda are noticeably different to the ones found whilst looking into her character more intensely. My personal first impressions of her were of a woman driven by jealously and the need to be in control of every situation. However, looking further into her disposition she simply has an insecure view of situations. To outside people she may come across as a strong character, though deep down, she is more emotional than the male characters in the story. Rhoda rarely involves herself with any conversation, however she is respectful towards other people, though on occasions she does misinterpret situations, which may be looked upon as disrespectful. This can be interpreted from the pages 9 to 10, where upon Gertrude appears at Rhodas house from some boots from her son. By the way Rhoda acts towards Gertrude implies to the reader that she is jealous and embarrassed, as she cannot provide for her own offspring. Another reason why Rhoda may have come across as disrespectful to Gertrude is because of her own fear of her son rejecting her. Within the small community in which Rhoda lives, other women view Rhoda as an outcast. From the beginning of the story in the cow dairy Thomas Hardy makes it clear to the reader that Rhoda is not very involved with local gossip and that perhaps she lacks communication with other people. An example of this is at the start in the dairy, when there is much conversation going on about Farmer Lodge, Rhoda does not get involved. This is reiterated when members of the cow dairy begin to talk about Rhoda behind her back. Rhoda makes no effort to confront these comments and presumably carries on with her work. Rhoda barely goes into her local parish and market, and usually sends her son to do any odd jobs for her. She says to him on page 2, I shall send you for a few things to marketaâ⠬à ¦ Rhoda and her son, also live considerably far away from the market, this was taken from, aâ⠬à ¦your house is the nearest outside our own parish. This may imply that Rhoda and her son live in the middle of two different parishes, or perhaps she does not live within a parish, both these suggestions cause difficulties for Rhoda if ever she wanted to be more involved with community events. Rhodas quirky character varies a lot, from other females that live within the network where she lives and works. However I feel there is a strong connection between Rhoda and Gertrude, in that they are both strong outcasts in the co mmunity. Event though much they may dispute it, their characters are very alike. The narrative viewpoint differs from each story. The Sons Veto and The Withered Arm are written by using an omniscient narrator, which is a use of narrator that is not a character within the story. Whereas, Tony Kytes the Arch Deceiver uses first person narrative. 1st person narrative is when the story is told by one of the characters point of view. This may seem more friendly and authentic because of the use of the local regional dialect. However by using one character to explain the story we can only experience and explore their feelings and point of view, which gives a biased and perhaps fiction analysis over situations. The omniscient style of narrative sees everything, which gives an unbiased view of what is happening in the story they are more truthful and factual then the use of a 1st person narrative. Depending on the different personalities of the readers influences the way they read and interpret different styles of writing. To some people omniscient narrative encourages them to sympathise towards particular characters, as they are aware of everything that is happening and all the different feelings from the characters are expressed, generated and articulated. However other readers may feel that because all the feelings of all the characters are expressed they are basic and therefore find it difficult sympathise and relate to any of the characters. 1st person narrative only gives the viewpoint from one character, this may encourage the reader to sympathise with the character telling the story as it persuades them that they are involved in the story, as the character is talking directly to them. However certain people may find it hard to sympathise with this style of writing as it may promote the curiosity of how other characters are feeling and as a consequence may cause the reader to reject the character telling the story. This can be related to the story, Tony Kytes the Arch Deceiver as the story ends we begin to feel a great amount of anxiety towards Tony because of the way he treats Milly. We do not sympathise with Tony. Whilst comparing and contrasting these stories I have noticed similarities and differences between them. Each character has strong and weak points about their personality. Rhoda is weak because she doesnt want to get hurt, Sophy is weak because she moved away from her village to avoid public mockery and Milly is weak for accepting Tonys marriage proposal knowing that she wasnt his first choice. However Rhoda is strong because she does not care what people think about her, she tends to rise above gossip also she is a single mother and has raised her child on her own. Sophy is strong because she has carried on living her life despite what happened to her after her accident. Milly is also strong because she has shown that despite how Tony has treated her she has stood up and shown she loves him by saying she will marry him. Rhoda and Sophy have learnt to put other people before themselves because each of them have children this may encourage them to be less selfish and learn to accept they cannot have everything in life. These two characters are different to the image and role of women during Hardys time. All the women have experienced failed relationships by the lack of commitment. Each of the women has become second best and has not experienced true love because of this. Sophy made sacrifices for her son, Rhoda has become second best to Gertrude and Milly was third best to Unity and Hannah. All the characters are perhaps viewed negatively by the local community. The character I respect the most is Rhoda because of her out going personality and the fact does not care what people think of her. In this essay I have investigated three main characters from the stories, The Withered Arm, Tony Kytes the Arch Deceiver and The Sons Veto. From this I have been able to identify any differences and similarities between the characters. The different female roles Hardy has explored through these short stories are realistic and believable, fore the particular time he has chosen to set them in. He has written about different situations and chosen carefully the types of personalities his characters will have. H. employs specific narrative techniques: he established historical distance Adopted a narrative technique called intradiegetical discourse which deploys an alternative internal narrator to the task of telling the tale. (local Historian, old surgeon,) He is master of this mode of discourse Narration structure: The withered Arm Essay Example The withered Arm Paper Referring in detail to 2 short stories that you have read, explain what makes them examples of a good short story The two stories I have chosen to examine in detail, in order to show that these are good examples of short stories are The Withered Arm and The Superstitious Mans Story. Thomas Hardy wrote both short stories around the year 1914. Thomas Hardys The Withered Arm and The Superstitious Mans Story are both excellent examples of short stories because they both have interesting beginnings and dont spend a long time setting the scene. This helps you understand the story and enjoy the content of the books. The Withered Arm has a tightly structured plot, the three main characters are quickly established and the plot is based around magic, superstition to create a sense of fear with a tragic outcome. The Withered Arm is set at a milking farm with milkmaids chatting about Farmer Lodge returning back with his new bride (Gertrude Lodge), He do bring home his bride tomorrow, I hear. Gertrude Lodge visits a milkmaid called Rhoda Brooks in a dream where Rhoda ends up grabbing tight grip of Gertrudes arm in a tight grip and all of a sudden waking up. We will write a custom essay sample on The withered Arm specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The withered Arm specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The withered Arm specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Gertrude later becomes good friends with Rhoda Brooks and showed Rhoda the problem with her arm, she uncovered her left hand and arm: and their outline confronted Rhodas gaze as the exact original of the limb she had beheld and sized in her dream. Rhoda and her son left town because Rhoda understood why and how it got there. Gertrude got worried and went to get help of a local man. She was told that for it to be cured she must touch with the limb the neck of a man whos just been hanged. Afterwards she went to Casterbridge where a hanging was to take place. She next did what she had been told to do and as she was doing so she found that Rhoda and Farmer Lodge were behind her, due to the person who had been hung was Rhoda and Farmer Lodges son. Gertrude was taken to prison and then thrown out on the street where she died three days later. There are a small number of characters in The Withered Arm the three main characters are as follows: Farmer Lodge, Rhoda Brook and Gertrude Lodge (Farmer Lodges new bride). Farmer Lodge is a very busy man who runs the farm and sells his goods from it; he has recently got married to Gertrude and are both happily settling down to married life. Rhoda Brook is a woman who lives in a cottage near by the farm and works for Farmer Lodge, milking cows. She had a son to Farmer Lodge who rejected him and Rhoda Brook. Gertrude Lodge is Farmer Lodges new bride. She is new to the area and makes friends with Rhoda Brook and her son within the story. She is obviously unaware of Farmer Lodge and Rhoda Brooks past relationship. The story The Withered Arm starts with a few milkmaids chatting about Farmer Lodges new bride. Though they say shes a rosy cheeked tisty toasty little body enough. This gives you a description of Farmer Lodges new bride using adjectives. It also only spends a short time setting the scene, It was an eighty-cow dairy, and the troop of milkers, and regular and supernumerary were all at work. Thomas Hardy also describes a lot about Rhoda Brooks cottage using many adjectives and a simile, It was built of mud-walls, the surface of which had been washed by many rains into channels and depressions that left none of the original flat face visible: while here and there in the thatch above the rafter showed like a bone protruding through the skin this descriptive passage adds atmosphere and mood to the story. There is a really good description of Gertrude Lodge when she visits Rhoda in the dream, that young wife, in pale silk dress and white bonnet, but with features shockingly distorted, and wrinkled as by age. This changes the readers perception of Gertrudes character, and also helps establish the character and the plot of the story, thus creating atmosphere for the reader. The story has a mystery and slight-horror side to it, which makes the story interesting and more effective for the reader. This proved to create a powerful atmosphere within the story line, often through a build up of tension and suspense. The effective ending in The Withered Arm is that Gertrude discovers that the hanged person is Farmer Lodge and Rhoda Brookss son. This is known as a twist in the tale. The Superstitious Mans Story has a structured plot with two main characters. The plot is based around midsummer night eve, with a supernatural feature, creating a fear of the unknown and an eerie mood. The Superstitious Mans Story is set at the home of William and his wife who are both the main characters. The Superstitious Mans Story is about a married couple at home on Midsummer Eve, Last night being Old Midsummer Eve. The man William had gone to bed, and his wife who was up finishing the ironing. While she was hard at work William walked downstairs and out of the house without saying a word, no word was said either side, William not being a man given much to speaking, and his wife being occupied with her work. Later she decided to go to bed so she left a note on the door saying Mind and do the door but as she got into bed he was still lying there asleep. The next day she was talking to a friend and her friend said she saw him walking into the church and that this is what people who are soon going to die do on Midsummers Eve. A few days later William dies while sleeping during a lunch break at work. He was seen at the spring where his son had died at the time of his own death. In The Superstitious Mans Story the main character is William because the whole story is based on him and his death. He is said to be a forgetful character in the story by his wife. The other character is Williamss wife, she seems to be playing the typical hardworking housewife, doing the ironing and setting the table for her husband. Her character portrays her to be loyal and loving wife to William. This story is a mystery-based story with a tragic out come at the end. A magic and supernatural feature is present through out the story too, which adds more apprehension to the story. The Superstitious Mans Story starts by telling you information in relation to the main character. William, as you may know, you could feel when he came near ee. The story seems to start right in the middle of the story and makes the reader feel as if the reader is eavesdropping on a private conversation, making the reader want to hear and read more. There is also a brilliant description of William at the start of the story, this tells the reader almost everything he/she needs to know about the character in only a few words. This adds to the story giving you a quick insight into the main character. The story starts by giving clues away that the plot is linked to death, hed not known of the bell go so heavy in his hand for years and he feared it meant a death in the parish this gives an eerie mood to the story suggestive of something sinister about to happen. There is a build up of tension when we find out his boots are still at the stairs even though hes just left the house, to her great surprise, and might I say alarm, on reaching the foot of the stairs his boots were standing there as they always stood when the had gone to rest. This is effective because this moves on the story by the build up of tension. When Williamss wife finds him asleep there is a good example of a simile, as sound as a rock. At the end when William actually dies his fellow-mower saw a miller-moth come from his mouth and fly straight away. The effective ending in The Superstitious Mans Story is that William actually dies and his spirit is seen at a different place at the time of his death. The miller moth is a sign of death and is his spiritual presence. I enjoyed reading both of these stories due to them both being written by the same author, Thomas Hardy. Both stories were based on the same style, Thomas Hardy using imagery and description to create various effects. They both had good examples of adjectives and similes within them and good story structures. The mood of both stories was eerie and sinister, suggesting something serious was about to happen. The Withered Arm Essay Example The Withered Arm Paper In this essay I am going to try my best to answer the question Who do you think is to blame for the tragedy of The Withered Arm? I will attempt to include as much information and reasons to whom I think is to be blamed and why. I will try to justify these reasons with various quotes and descriptions by referring to the text. Thomas Hardy was born in 1840 and died in 1825. He was a great novelist who wrote many famous novels such as Mayor of Casterbridge and Far From The Madding Crowd. These novels are now known for being classic literature. Most of the novels he wrote were depressing and ironic. The Withered Arm is one of many Thomas Hardy short novels, it is set in the late 1800s in a village called Holmstoke that has a small rural community of mostly milkmaids. There are three main characters in this novel they consist of: Farmer Lodge; a wealthy and respected man, who is well known for his good reputation. Also there is Rhoda Brook; a not so wealthy woman and less fortunate than Farmer Lodge with a reputation of being a witch. Lastly there is also Gertrude Lodge; she is Farmer Lodges new wife. .. They say shes rosy-cheeked, titsy-totsy little body enough. We will write a custom essay sample on The Withered Arm specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Withered Arm specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Withered Arm specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This indicates that she is a pretty woman with a perfect body. In opposition Rhoda isnt very popular with the other workers she is described as A thin, fading woman of thirty milked somewhat apart from the rest. This emphasies that although she has been there for many years people still dont like her. The relationship between Farmer Lodge and Gertrude is that they are a newly married couple in the village that are madly in love with each other, Farmer Lodge literally worships Gertrude. All eyes were fixed upon her This quotation gives a vision of a new, young beauty walking through a public place and everybodys eyes follow her up the street. Farmer Lodge is always gloating and saying how beautiful she is: The well-to-do Farmer Lodge came nearly last; and his young wife, who accompanied him, walked up the aisle with the shyness natural to a modest woman who had appeared thus for the first time. This shows us that Farmer Lodge did this on purpose so heand Gertrude would become centre of attention because they are the most popular and talked about couple, also this would make everyone notice how pretty Gertrude is. Rhoda Brook and Farmer Lodge had a relationship in the past, which then ends when Rhoda falls pregnant. Rhoda would have become an outcast of the society having brought some shame and embarrassment not only for her, but for Farmer Lodge as well for having a baby outside of marriage. Also Farmer Lodge could not take the humiliation of him having a relationship with a lower class lady, who is just a milkmaid. A while after their relationship Farmer Lodge meets Gertrude; they fall madly in love and get married but does poor Gertrude know what shes got herself into? Farmer Lodge has been lying to Gertrude and has kept a secret about his past relationship and the fact that he has a son. The basic gist of the story is that Rhoda Brook becomes extremely jealous of Gertrude and her beauty; she is always thinking about her as a result Rhoda starts to envy Gertrude and hatred is caused. Rhoda has a dream, in which she saw Gertrude as an old ugly woman: .. with features shockingly distorted, and wrinkled as by age.. I think this reflects Rhodas feelings about Gertrude very well because, as we already know she is jealous of her beauty and she has created Gertrude to look like this to calm and reassure herself because Rhoda knows she is losing her looks. This dream causes Gertrudes arm some terrible pain the morning after the reason for this being is that Rhoda dreamt of her grabbing Gertrudes arm and swinging her .. Swung out her right hand, seized the confronting spectre by its obtrusive left arm, and whirled it backwards to the floor.. The arm becomes worse and it comes to a point when Gertrude is desperate for a cure but cannot find one. In the meantime, Farmer Lodges love slowly drifts as her arm withers towards the end and she discovers that the only cure is to put her arm onto a hanged mans neck as told by Conjurer Trendle. In The Withered Arm there are many tragedies but the main one is of course, Gertrudes withered arm. It was the one that was shocking and disturbing especially towards Rhoda and Gertrude. With Rhodas witchcraft powers she wonders if it was actually her who caused the withered arm. There was a supernatural force to this tragedy and it was unavoidable to Rhoda. Rhoda only had the dream because she envied Gertrude If the sweet and kindly Gertrude Lodge only knew of the dream-scene in the bed-chamber, what would she think? This quote emphasises that Rhoda was feeling guilty about having such an evil dream and that after meeting Gertrude she realised that she is a good person. Tragedy is the main theme of the novel and it symbolises an event that is usually bad, which ends in a dramatic way, which is often unexpected. Tragedies can be caused by peoples actions or decisions, which can have unpleasant effects, and it could have been avoided if people took more care and consideration in one anothers actions. A tragedy can lead to an un-happy life. Blame is also a keyword in this novel because it provokes guilt and regret, which is exactly the feeling of Farmer Lodge especially, towards the end of the novel but also towards Rhoda. Blame means to be held responsible or being the cause of something. To be blamed means holding someone guilty for something theyve done wrong, or in some cases theyve done nothing wrong. However, sometimes things can go wrong and someone needs to blame a person, even if it is not their fault, just to rest their minds. To be blamed for something can give someone a bad reputation. I believe that Farmer Lodge is to be held responsible for the tragedy; firstly because he left Rhoda whilst she was pregnant with his child. Secondly; He married Gertrude and finally; Farmer Lodges love for Gertrude fading. If he had never left Rhoda then I think she would never have put some kind of a curse on Farmer Lodge and Gertrude would not have been affected by it. I do not feel sympathetic for Farmer Lodge because he was the main cause of the tragedy and he started all the troubles before realising the consequences. I think Farmer Lodge should have told Gertrude about his past relationship because I think Gertrude would understand and she wouldnt be worried about his past relationship because she is convinced that Farmer Lodge is in love with her. Also she would be happy of the fact that Farmer Lodge hasnt been keeping any lies from her and that he is being truthful. In my opinion Farmer Lodge to me is a cold hearted man towards Gertrude and his son Oh no. He hant spoke to Rhoda Brook for years. This expresses that he hadnt only spoken to them for a long time but he also did not care for Rhoda and their son. Farmer Lodge loved Gertrude for her looks and that she was younger than he was. The woman whom he had wooed for her grace and beauty . Having a beautiful younger wife made Farmer Lodge feel good and look good about himself; he wanted to show the community that he is still capable of attracting a pretty woman no matter what the past. Farmer Lodge is a vein man, appearance and reputation is very important to him. When Gertrudes arm started to wither it became obvious that Farmer Lodge started to dislike her because he thought she was losing her beauty it also made Gertrude depressed because she realised that her arm was making her less attractive and that Farmer Lodge was not showering her with love as he usually did .. Mr and Mrs Lodges married experience sank into prosiness, and worse. The farmer was usually gloomy and silent Six years of marriage and only a few months of love Towards the end of the novel, we discover two more tragedies that have a disturbing impact on all three characters. By this time we know that Gertrude has become desperate and very impatient of finding a cure for her arm. When she goes to visit Conjurer Trendle, he tells her the only cure is to place her arm on a hanged mans neck, although she is a bit hesitant as to what she has to do, Gertrude is still determined to give it a try She started a little at the image he had raised.. Little did innocent Gertrude know that the person she is using to cure her disfigment is Rhodas son who was hung because he was accused of arson. Soon after Gertrude realised who it was she could not take the stress and she became ill; physically and mentally. The shock of everything that had happened to her caused her to die. When Gertrude and Rhodas son both died, I think thats when Farmer Lodge became softer and sensitive. He felt guilty for everything he did to Rhoda and how he treated both Rhoda and Gertrude. He left his money to a boys charity and gave some to Rhoda so that she could manage on her own. Burdened at first with moodiness and remorse, he eventually changed for the better, and appeared as a chastened and thoughtful man. To conclude this essay I have decided that Farmer Lodge is responsible for all the tragedies that occurred within The Withered Arm. He should not have left Rhoda bringing up their child on her own without any support. Farmer Lodge leaving Rhoda made her become curious and jealous when he re-married to Gertrude, as a result this feeling caused Rhoda to have a dream. Gertrude was affected because it caused her arm to gradually wither until it came to a point when the arm was cureless by any ointment or medication. If Farmer Lodge had been a good father and frequently helped his son and Rhoda out with financial difficulties maybe no tragedies would occur and everything would have been normal. Gertrude died of not having the satisfaction of a cured arm and being loved and feeling beautiful again. I think Gertrude did not deserve to have a difficult and miserable life. She was an innocent and kindhearted woman who was just madly in love with her newly wed husband. The withered Arm Essay Example The withered Arm Paper Trace the developing relationship between Rhoda Brook and Gertrude Lodge. How does Thomas Hardy use the supernatural to engage the readers interest, build up tension and keep the story going? The Withered Arm is set in 1888 in a place called Wessex now known as Devon. It is set in a typically English rural location, mainly farms and small cottages for farm workers. There are two main characters; Rhoda Brook a milkmaid and Gertrude Lodge newly married to local landlord Farmer Lodge. Back then everybody knew each other and so knew everybodys business. Men are more respected and did all of the work whilst the women stayed at home and did the house work. If women were single they lived with their parents or on their own in a cottage. If the had a child whilst out of wedlock then they were frowned upon by society and were very much disrespected by everybody else. When we are first told about Rhoda Brook she is portrayed as a woman in her early thirties who hasnt aged to well. She is a milkmaid working on a farm for most hours of the day not having much time to rest. We will write a custom essay sample on The withered Arm specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The withered Arm specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The withered Arm specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer She has a twelve-year-old son although she isnt married and we dont find out the identity of the father until the end of the story. Rhoda lives in a small cottage, built out of mud blocks, on the side of a hill. Gertrude Lodge is introduced as a young and very pretty. She is described as very lady-like and rather short. We first meet Gertrude when she is travelling back from her wedding to Farmer Lodge. She comes across as a very caring person noticing a young boy carrying a heavy load. When we are next told about Gertrude she is at the church and seems very shy about being in front of so many people. She is more nervous because she is wearing a dress that makes a noise against the pew. Thomas Hardy links the two characters firstly by Rhodas son. Gertrude helps him out giving him shoes and generally looking out for him. Then before Rhoda has actually met Gertrude she has a dream. It involves Gertrude and Rhoda. In the dream Rhoda is in bed, Gertrude is above her and Rhoda feels pressure coming down on her. Rhoda is finding hard to breath so she lashes out, grabbing the illusion of Gertrudes arm. She throws it to the floor and as she does so awakens. Rhoda could still Feel her antagonists arm within her grasp even now. However when she looks on the floor Gertrude is nowhere to be seen. Hardy first introduces the supernatural in to the story when Gertrude and Rhoda travel to meet Conjuror Trendle. Gertrude has a problem on her right arm that is in the shape of a hand. Gertrude has heard about what the Conjuror can do and she thinks he can help her. When they get there they are very surprised (well at least Gertrude is) to be told that mark on her arm is that of an enemy and is not easily cured. Medicine cant cure it Tis the work of an enemy. The conjuror then goes on to say that if Gertrude wishes to know the identity enemy is then she should go inside with him alone. Once inside he makes a solution in a glass and tells Gertrude to stare into it. Gertrude is amazed by whom she sees in the glass but we arent told whom it is, making the reader want to read on. After Conjuror Trendle Gertrude doesnt visit Rhoda any more in fact she severs all links with the woman. After six years the condition of Gertrudes arm has worsened and it has affected her marriage to Farmer Lodge. The woman who he had wooed for her grace and beauty was now contorted and disfigured Gertrude decides that she will go and visit Conjuror Trendle again. She travels on her own and doesnt tell her husband what she is doing. The Conjuror gives her a remedy that is guaranteed to work. She must go and touch the bloody neck of a man who has just been hanged and cut down! Hardy first brings the supernatural into the story when he introduces Conjuror Trendle. When Gertrude asks Rhoda about a man whom she has been recommended, she thinks he is a doctor. Rhoda tells her he has powers other folk might have not Gertrude thinks this is stupid but she still goes with Rhoda to visit the man. They go and he suggest that the problem is work of an enemy and is magical. The reader is encouraged to read on because there is an air of mystery about the ailment. The second time that supernatural is brought in to the story is when Gertrude goes to visit the Conjuror again. The conjuror suggests a remedy that is somewhat un-orthodox, she will be magically cured by touching a hanged mans neck. This time the reader wants to read on because they dont know whether Gertrude will go to the gallows to touch the man. The reader doesnt think she will but there is a chance that she will so the reader carries on to find out if she does. In the end Gertrude does decide go to the gallows. She arranges with the hangman, Davies, the night before what will happen the following day. She goes to the prison and touches the body but just as she does so two people come through the door. It is Farmer Lodge and Rhoda; the hanged boy is their son. The trio are deeply shocked, Gertrude by Lodge and Rhoda and Lodge and Rhoda by Gertrude. Rhoda storms over to Gertrude and starts to attack her. She says This is the meaning of what Satan showed me in the vision! She does something to the younger woman and she slides down the wall unconscious. Gertrudes condition was so serious that after a few days she died. Rhoda returns to the village and lives there for many years. There the story ends.
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